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No Sew DIY Disney Mickey Ears

Hey guys! So I decided to give you guys a No Sew tutorial for DIY Disney Mickey Ears. I posted a few days ago the first tutorial that utilizes a sewing machine or needle and thread and I wanted to show an option for those who either are uncomfortable with a sewing machine or don't own one, or even for those that need to whip something cute up in a time crunch. So without further a zip-a-dee-doo let's get to it!


For this project you will need:

- Mickey Ear Template

-A Sharpie ( I just used my fine liner instead)

-Sewing Pins (to secure the pieces together if needed


-Fiber Filler (OPTIONAL)

-Fabric or Fabric sheet

-Fabric or Ribbon for Bow


-Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue Sticks

-Choice of trimming for outer edges (sequins, jewels, ribbon)

I got all of my supplies at either Joann's or Hobby Lobby or just what ever I had lying around the house at the time from previous craft endeavors.

The Process

Start by tracing 2 ears using your fabric template. Since we are not sewing and using foam to fill the fabric cover we will use the fabric template to get the big ear shape. This will be the only template we will be using for this project.

Cut out the two foam pieces making sure the foam is not cut down at an angle, This will cause a problem later. I had an issue on one of the pieces from the scissors I was using.

Once you have your foam pieces cut out glue the outer edges, leaving the bottom edge clear, by placing an even line of hot glue around and then going back the opposite direction to make sure it is evenly distributed.

Firmly place the foam piece down on the fabric sheet making sure the hot glue is secure and dry.

Next, cut out the ear following as closely to the ear shape foam as close as possible, making sure to keep a rounded shape. Do this to both pieces of foam.

Repeat the process of placing hot glue on the edges and then pressing the ear into the foam for the back sides of both ears and then once again cut out the ears as closely as possible without cutting off the foam or the shape.

Once you have both sides of the ears covered, take your hot glue gun and lay a layer of hot glue on the bottom edge of the foam and fold one side of the fabric sheet over and press firmly to secure it in place until completely cooled.

Then place another layer of hot glue on top of the fabric you just folded and fold over the remaining side once again making sure to firmly press down and hold until hot glue is dried to ensure it is firmly in place.

If you wish to stuff your ears for a slightly fuller look, stuff with the batting/fiber fill prior to hot gluing the bottom edge shut.

NOTE: If you choose to fill it but then later decide to remove it, the fabric will not lay as flat and tight as before due to being stretched out from the filler.

Take your ribbon (mine was a bit too wide so I cut it in half) and measure out how much you need to wrap around your ears and cut the ribbon to the desired length, leaving a little extra at the end just in case.

Slowly work your way from one side of the ear to the other by laying down smaller line segments of hot glue and evenly laying down the ribbon on the glue, pressing down firmly to secure ribbon in place.

Once the segment of ribbon is glued down, lay another line of hot glue and repeat process until entire ribbon accent is secure.

If your ribbon was like mine and was thicker and had to be cut in half, it still might hang over the edges of the ears. If this is the case just carefully trim off the excess hang over by angling the ears with the scissors to get a close trim.

Almost there! Layout and mark where you want your ears to be on the headband. Typically they are about 2" apart. I like to use my pins and mark the edges of each ear on the headband. Some people prefer just using a marker and making a line on the edges. Whatever works for you as long as you make sure you have a place holder so you don't mess up the placement of your ears.

Place a strip of hot glue between the lines for each ear and firmly press the ears into place. Sometimes you may need to fill in extra pockets with a bit more glue and that's okay!

Finishing Touches!

Now it's time to put on the final touch! Hot glue your bow of choice onto the center of the headband between the ears and hold down firmly until hot glue is dried to make sure it is tightly secure. If needed, place a dab of hot glue on the corners of the bow and secure to the face of the ear close to the edge.

That's it guys! I hope you like this awesome and cute No Sew DIY Disney Mickey Ears Tutorial! If you have any comments or suggestions for new cool DIY project tutorials you want me to do feel free to leave a message! See you next time and hope you have a zip-a-dee-do-da day! Bye guys

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