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Spring Is In The Air: April Review

Hello you beautiful people, it is that time again for another monthly review! I went with a floral / very springy theme for this month and I loved how the cover came out. I kept most of the layouts fairly simple but there are two that are just absolutely my favorite and a little more busier than other layouts. With that being said let's jump right in!

For the month at a glance I went for a simple one page layout with just a calendar view and a two section area to write in any important dates or deadlines that would come up in the month. I did not really keep up with filling in dates that I had something important going on but I did reference this page a lot when I needed to see what day of the week a certain day fell on. I liked doing the month this way when I did not really have much going on and did not need the usual boxes to fill in for extra space.

I decided to go with a fill in the blank type of mood tracker this month that I started using in my March spread. I found it easier for me to do it this way for now to keep up on tracking my moods and making sure I don't get bored with it.

I went with little paper airplanes and a pink color scheme to kind of go along with that whimsical spring feel of the theme. I had a lot of fun coloring in the different paper airplanes to see what the whole page would look like in the end with all of the different colors.

I went with a different habit tracker this month and instead of doing one big chart I did 9 individual charts for each of the habits I wanted to keep track of. It was easier at first but then became a bit uninteresting towards the end as you can see by my incomplete charts.

It was a bit tedious to fill out all of the numbers in each box but in the beginning it was worth it I just got bored with filling in the tracker. I plan to try a different method next month.

I also did a different sleep tracker and this worked really well too but I forgot towards the end due to being busy with schooling.

Easter was this month so I decided to do a cute Easter/Easter egg spread.


Weekly Spreads

The first week layout came out really nice. I went for the same vertical layout I had done previously. I did a light pink back shadow for the days of the week behind the numbers. I incorporated some flower doodles at the top to help tie in the theme for the month.

I had some extra space at the bottom so I went and added a "NOTES" section which was helpful as I did have some tasks that needed done or just some reminders that did not have a particular day attached to them. I also added a quote from Mulan that I felt just went great with this spread.

This week...let's just say I absolutely did not like this spread at all. The layout was one of my favorites but the look of it was like a regular bag of nuggets compared to Dino Nuggets. It's not as good and not anywhere near as cool looking. It's just basic. I experimented with watercolor for the numbers, some came out okay where some not so much. I did not even finish the week planning and just moved on to the next week.

This week spread and the next one are absolutely my favorites! I went for a more cooler tone color palette with magenta and purple and some lighter pinks. I went back to the vertical layout and added the headers I used previously in a February spread. I loved how they came out with the two colors and the little wreaths. I also added back the monthly calendar view and made it like a little sticky note doodle. I thought the hummingbird doodles were cute too and went well with the spread.

I also incorporated a few stickers like the floral arrangement by the top header, the purple geo rain cloud and the mason jar flowers. I will be uploading a sticker sheet soon as well as other template layouts for you guys. If there are any requests for sticker ideas or layout ideas you want feel free to shoot me a message!

This was no where near the spring theme and was more an ocean theme. This past weekend was my anniversary trip to Santa Cruz which turned into Monterey as well I was so excited that I decided to go with a cool toned beach theme with an awesome wave doodle and some shell doodles. I added a quote from a Keynote Speaker at a conference I was watching, (that all my friends were at but I couldn't go this year :( ) I attempted to draw an anchor but it did not go well but I still love this layout so much!

I didn't do a monthly review like usual but plan to do a picture collage from my weekend trip instead. I have been busy working on next month's theme and spread and I am so excited! I cannot wait for May! For when you wish upon a star, ,makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you

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