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Self Love : February Bujo Recap

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Well February has came and passed and it’s time to do my,very overdue, bullet journal recap. February was a difficult time for me as I lost my father the first day. I didn’t keep up for almost over a week so there will be some spots that seem incomplete.

I was debating going back to fix them but then I felt that it wouldn’t be true to my journal. I learned that it is okay to be a mess and be incomplete. The journal was supposed to happen as my life did and there was not set structure on how it was supposed to be. In a way I felt relieved that I could not worry about going back and having to recall what happened those days.

Well enough ranting let’s get down to it starting at the beginning.

I was not too thrilled with how my cover turned out. Originally it was fine but the ink smeared so I had to redo it. I covered up the original with a new one and used sticky tape to attach the new paper over the old. I did like the style of the roses and incorporated them throughout my spreads this month. I really liked keeping a roses and self love theme. It kept the spreads fun and girly and a positive feel.

I enjoyed how my month at a glance spread came out. I stuck with a two page boxed layout. I love how cute and feminine this looks. I kept a goals side bar from last month in this layout. It was a great way to remember what I want to achieve this month and be reminded of it everyday.

Next are my trackers. I decided to stick to a simple layout again with the horizontal spread. I found it a bit difficult to keep up with tracking my habits and moods this month so I am looking into new ways to spice things up to keep my motivation and interest going.

Never be afraid to change something if you find it not working for you. Sometimes change is what is needed the most to keep on top of things. I found a lot of cool tracker layouts to try out on Pinterest. I am excited to play around with these layouts a bit. I hope I can find something that works for me.

For this month's theme I went with Self Love. I did not realize how much this theme and some of the extra spreads I did would help me. I believe that everyone needs to take some time for themselves and appreciate themselves a bit. We get so caught up in our lives that we often forget to treat ourselves and spend some quality "me" time.

I loved this spread a lot. I decided to do a Self Love : 28 Days of What I Love About Me spread. I was inspired to do this spread by @caitlynmariedasilva . I saw her post a spread like this and was eager to do one of my own. Each day I took time for myself and sat down and really thought of all of the positive things I appreciate about myself. Not often do I give myself positive affirmations so I was very thankful for this spread. I feel like anytime now that I need some positive words I can always turn back to this spread and get the boost that I need. (I forgot to upload a picture after I had filled it out. LOL)

Recently I read a post that Oprah did that highlighted a post about how to love yourself unconditionally. I also saw @caitlynmariedasilva do a spread like this as well and decided to incorporate it into my bullet journal too! I really like how it gives some steps to really being content with one's self and how to achieve true harmony.

I believe that this is a very helpful tool as I am someone who has trouble with some, okay lets face it, all of these steps at some point or another. Sometimes I need that reminder that it is okay to not always be in control and that dealing with and forgiving the past is important and is a process of healing.

Now time for the weeklies. I kept my first weekly spread of the month very simple. This was a very rough week for me and was left incomplete, but that is okay. Sometimes life has us drop everything even if something is unfinished. I did like, however, having the week preview in the sidebar and the water and sleep tracker. I have a horrible time sleeping and making sure I stay hydrated and it really helped me monitor just how much sleep and water I was getting.

I also incorporated, for the first two days at least, a daily review. I enjoyed reflecting on my day and seeing what I felt about how everything went and what was the highlight of my day. It also helped keep track of my moods as well if I forgot to update my tracker.

The second weekly was not my favorite. It was cute at first but, I don't know, I just was not feeling it. I did like the simplicity of it and the cute heart doodles. I was not very productive this week so I knew sticking with just a simple layout would be best. I kept the week view sidebar and the mini calendar view. They really help with seeing just what is going on on which day of the week.

This was by far my favorite spread of the month and weeklies. It was so colorful and pretty yet still keeping it neat and organized. I highlighted the dividing lines in a really pretty greenish teal and it pulled the whole page together. I went with a horizontal version of the spread from the previous week, keeping the separate task bar for important appointments or events. I added a note section as well since I do like using that for tasks that need to get done or things I need to buy that don't pertain to any particular day. I have used this section in the past and find it very helpful. I have a feeling there will be a lot more spreads like this in future month's weekly layouts. I just can not get over how adorable and effective this spread was

After my weeklies I decided to wrap the month up with another self love spread. This spread was a lot of fun to put together, thinking of all of the ways to take time for one's self and meet the needs that are missing.

I did include a monthly review as I did in January, however I will not be posting it due to personal reasons. If you have seen my January Monthly Review I kept the same format for February highlighting my personal, social, and school life over the course of the past month. I also did a February Highlights page as well with doodles of some key moments that made February fun! Now time to plan March! Stay tuned until next time!

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