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Motivation Monday

Everyone dreads Mondays. I mean who wants to go to school after a nice, relaxing, fun weekend? I decided to start a segment called Motivation Monday. It’s time to turn Monday’s into something to look forward to!

This week’s motivation tip:

• Take time to plan your week out and get things done•

I love planning. Wether it is on a scratch piece of paper or in my bullet journal I find that writing out the layout of my day or week is really helpful. It gives me a chance to see what days I can do stuff and what needs to be done. Instead of stressing on how much I have to do and such little time, I find time in my days and plan it ahead of time so I am accountable for it.

It may not seem like doing much but you’re actually still being productive and will be less stressed in the end.

Being motivated doesn’t take much and it doesn’t have to be some extravagant task. Take things one at a time little by little. Even the little things are important. When you take the time to plan everything out you’ll be more motivated to complete each task in your day because you’ll no longer be stressing about all of the other things needed to be done.

So this week try something new and plan. Who knows you may end up liking it and making it a weekly routine.

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