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Motivation Monday

As an avid Greys Anatomy fan I thought this quote would be perfect for this week’s Motivation Monday.

Over the past few months I’ve had to go through a lot of change and I will admit that to grow and accept changes is hard and at times it does hurt, but it’s okay. One part of change is to accept that sometimes things are okay even if it doesn’t turn out how we want to the first time around.

Change is healthy and will always be occurring. It’s nice to get out of your comfort zone and explore new things. We may not readily want to but you never know what may happen once you make the change.

Spread your wings and fly. Welcome change with open arms. Though you might be scared know that it will turn out alright in the end. No matter what situation you’re going through just know that you will get through it and that sometimes change is a good thing and for the best. Know that you have many people around you who will support you and be by your side.

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