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About Me

Welcome to Jessica's Journals

In case you haven't learned it yet, my name is Jessica. It is so nice to meet you!  Jessica's Journals is a lifestyle blog dedicated to beauty, planning, health, and more.


If you’re new here, then there a few things you should know. I’m a girl from California who loves Starbucks and crafting. My craft addiction may be out of control. My family is really important to me. I’m a daughter, sister, friend, student, shopper, makeup enthusiast and reader. Currently, I go to college in Chico, CA and am working towards getting my bachelor in Agriculture Education. I hope to be a teacher some day.

I love getting the chance to meet new people and know readers so don't hesitate to leave a reply. :)

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HEY! My name is Jessica Chinca and I am an eighteen year old from California who has an major addiction to caffine and watches too much Netflix.  Jessica's Journals is a lifestyle blog  dedicated to beauty, health, DIYs, planning, & reviews.

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